Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Afghanistan: Can Obama Sell Bush's Used Car?

The last paragraph of a piece by David Corn:

There's much for Obama to address, maybe too much for one speech. He's inherited a mess of a war from George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. But with this increase in troops, Obama is fully claiming possession of this conflict—assuming the task of selling one of Bush's leftover used cars. With the public, especially members of his own party, skeptical about the war, Obama will have to demonstrate that he has truly considered (and reconsidered) all the fundamental premises of this endeavor. Relying on familiar or vague—and sometimes contradictory—rhetoric will not help him accomplish that mission.

Fuck sellin' Bush's load. Grind off the VINs, pull the license plates, leave the keys in it and some gas money on the seat and GTFO of there.

Whatever's gonna happen there is gonna happen, sooner or later, with us or without us. Better without us.

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