Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The crux ...

Of the biscuit from Comrade Misfit:


Too much hinges on Pakistan. If the Pakistani government keeps on covertly supporting the Taliban, which they have done all along, I don't see how this can end well.

We can't run a supply line through there because security is so dismal. Every branch of their armed forces and intelligence machine have been infiltrated by Taliban sympathizers. All of our stuff has to come into Afghanistan by air for fear of it being destroyed while sitting on the ground in Pakistan.

How in Hell are we supposed to support 30,000 more troops?

Obama is also relying on an increased NATO commitment. From where? The British people have had it. The Germans (after the number of innocents killed in the fuel truck incident) want their people out. And Europe in general is war-weary. The NATO commitment will be slow, if it ever happens, in coming.

Gordon said in his post last night this morning:


Obama talked me into giving him a shot. 18 months. I don't like it but I can live with it. He's not Bush.

And that's the only thing giving me comfort. He is not Bush. I'm praying the man has a conscience and truly believes he will not be squandering U.S. lives in a futile effort. I'm hopeful he will give the operation more commitment than the previous administration.

What bothers me is Bush's generals are still in charge of the warfighting apparatus. I still don't see how we're supposed to "train" the Afghans up into a cohesive national army and police force when their first loyalties are to their families, their tribe, and money, not necessarily in that order. How do we get a race of people who feel happier in the 10th Century to accept the role we've ordained for them in the 21st? In only 18 months? I can't see it but if it happens, I'll be cheering the loudest.

I just hope, after this is all said and done, our government will give the same commitment to the troops coming home (our record so far has been dismal). You know, those who've left parts of their bodies and minds behind on the battlefield. I hope they planned for that as they talked strategy for "winning" this misguided war.

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