Thursday, December 10, 2009

Paying their share ...

Good on my British friends:

Britain's Labour government slapped a one-off levy on bank bonuses on Wednesday and said it would hike income tax for all but the poorest in 2011, delaying action to tackle a record deficit until after an election it is expected to lose.


Now, I like paying taxes as much as the next guy but a big reason we have a deficit is because the very rich have all but given up paying them; that, and two wars being fought "off-the-books". After 30 years of hearing the bullshit of how taxation hurts the economy, they actually believe it.

Ladies and gentlemen, the stuff we do and take for granted has to be paid for ... sometime ... eventually.

Tell ya what, since the Christmas season is neigh upon us, buy as many things as you can. Until your credit card melts. Ten times more stuff than you can afford. And then tell your creditors that repayment isn't in your budget this year. Better yet, tell them you'll issue them a bond with a meager interest rate coming due 30 years from now. See what they say.

You like highways and bridges that don't crumble under you? You like the military to be able to respond to a threat against our nation? You like all those things you take for granted to still be there? You gotta pay taxes. You also gotta realize that making the rich and the corporations pay their fair share will not "lose jobs" or "destroy the economy". "Trickle-down economics" has been proven not to work, yet people still fall for the scare tactics.

"The Land of the Free" does not mean you don't have to pay for anything.

Thanks to Chris for the link.

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