Friday, January 15, 2010

California is free to make its own drug laws

"Blowback" in the LATimes. A 'must read' if you are interested in legalizing marijuana as California may be poised to do. Disclaimer: gotta use a lotta weasel words until it's a done deal.

The state's existing marijuana laws are an example of destructive and reactionary public policy. They are largely responsible for the horrific drug-related violence in both California and along our border with Mexico. Thankfully, we aren't stuck with this destructive marijuana policy.

The Times is simply wrong to suggest that California does not have the authority to tax and regulate marijuana. There is nothing in the U.S. Constitution that requires states to criminalize anything. We could scrap our entire penal code tomorrow if we wanted to. States get to decide state law, not Washington. This is why California and 13 other states have been able to legalize and regulate medical marijuana despite continuing federal prohibition.

Go read, then smoke 'em if ya got 'em.

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