Thursday, January 28, 2010

It will rain blood and tea...

Bill Berkowitz on what he feels is a flawed Field poll:

California’s Field Poll finds that three in ten registered voters ‘identified’ with the Tea Party movement and three in ten don’t believe Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen.

According to Field, The poll was “conducted among a statewide sample of 1,232 registered voters in six languages – English, Spanish, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Vietnamese,” and it showed “that about 61% of this state’s voters say they are aware of the movement, and 28% say they identify with it either a lot (12%) or some (16%).”

28% is within the margin of error for the Dead End Quarter.

[...] "The world is run by those who show up,” Nehring said. “Tea party activists show up and that's important."

That's good! If they all show up at once, we can get 'em all with one round!

Charlie Battery, fire mission, over...

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