Sunday, January 17, 2010

"the eternally vile Pat Robertson"

Mark Morford in a piece about the dual horrors in Haiti and along our southern border:

You might even go so far as to suggest that a place like Haiti is cursed, not merely by its terrible location in the hurricane track or by tectonics, not merely from environmental squalor or its crushing poverty, but by God himself.

Indeed, you might go so far as to agree with the eternally vile Pat Robertson, never one to let a massive human tragedy go perversely unblamed on the victims, saying Haitians brought on the tragedy themselves, because they made a deal with Satan nearly 200 years ago, exchanging their very souls for freedom from horrific French enslavement.

Isn't that sweet? Oh, Pat, you contemptible Christian reptile. Don't you know it's exactly the other way around? That, according to the Times piece, it was France's rather evil demand for fiscal reparations after the Haitians won their freedom from slavery that caused much of the country's downward spiral into near-permanent ruin? Say hi to Jerry Falwell in hell for us, Pat.

Hell's too good for phony christian bastards who promote racism and hatred and blame the victims of natural disasters for their own troubles as the work of a vengeful God who's made-up anyway.


From the archives:

Pat Robertson's Katrina Cash

[...] And the Bush Administration, through FEMA, is doing its best to insure that Pat Robertson is getting that cash just as quickly as humanly possible.

I've given up wondering why I'm pissed-off all the time. I know.

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