Monday, January 25, 2010

Sobering ...

Read Avedon today:


But Ian Welsh is right: The Supreme Court has affirmed a right of Malefactors of Great Wealth to buy elections, thus making the United States officially a fascist state. Absent a Congress willing to impeach the anti-Constitutional scum who currently infest the court, you don't have anything resembling Constitutional government anymore and you aren't going to.

And that means you have to make a decision: Fight or escape.

And you have to ask yourself: "Do people like me have sufficient strength to win this fight? Is there any hope of getting it?"

And I can't bring myself to tell you that you should fight, at the expense of everything you've got. Not you, not your economic well-being, not your family will be safe from the evils and predations of these truly vile people and the hideous system they have created out of what used to be a fairly promising country that once held out hope and lighted a path for the world.


We're screwing ourselves to hell.

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