Saturday, January 23, 2010

Truth In Advertising

The Rude Pundit on SCOTUS' abominable decision on corporate money:

That's right. In addition to sucking people dry over the internet to make their own ads and instead of PACs doing their big-ass donors' bidding, politicians can count on corporations to throw millions upon millions of dollars into commercials supporting a specific candidate. First they took our bowl games. Now they'll get our members of Congress. Money is speech, motherfuckers. We always knew it could talk. Hey, maybe if they're willing to pass a couple of disclosure laws, members of Congress can all be honest about whose whores they are.

Some of 'em have more corporate logos than a NASCAR racer. And then:

The Rude Pundit? Other than the fine, fine readers who sustain him with their contributions, you know who brings him to you:

I'll take a smart honest fuckin' drunk over whore pols any day!

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