Monday, February 15, 2010

Cheney Exposes Torture Conspiracy

Robert Parry

If the United States had a functioning criminal justice system for the powerful – not just for run-of-the-mill offenders – former Vice President Dick Cheney would have convicted himself and some of his Bush administration colleagues with his comments on ABC’s “This Week.”

Cheney’s frank comments on “This Week” – corroborating that Yoo and Bybee “had done what we asked them to do” – suggest that former Bush administration officials are confident that they will face no accountability from the Obama administration for war crimes.

Though the ABC News interviewer Jonathan Karl deserves some credit for posing the waterboarding question to Cheney, it was notable that Karl didn’t react with any shock or even a follow-up when Cheney pronounced himself a fan of the torture practice. Cheney’s waterboarding endorsement was only a footnote in ABC’s online account of the interview.

So Jon, what does the inside of The Dick's lower colon taste like? Chicken, I bet.

That Cheney feels he can operate with such impunity is a damning commentary on the rule of law in the United States, at least when it comes to the nation’s elites.

It's the Golden Rule - them what has the Gold make the Rules.

I simply will not drop this subject until every last one of the Bush administration war criminals are dead or in jail, even as unlikely as the latter seems as of now. I vow to outlive every one of them and make pilgrimages to piss on their graves like they pissed on us.

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