Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Dem to filibuster Obama's NLRB pick


In a move that will further irritate his Democratic critics, Sen. Ben Nelson (D(INO- G)-Neb.) announced on Monday evening that he would not just oppose but also help filibuster President Barack Obama's nominee to a key labor relations agency.

Note to Harry Reid: This guy's nominally a Democrat and you don't have to be afraid of him. Pretend you have some balls and practice making people who threaten to filibuster actually do it. First time you stand on your own two feet like a man is the hardest but it'll get easier. Try it, you might like it. This is your big chance.

Try grabbin' yer crotch and saying "filibuster this, Benny Boy". I say 'benny boy' in the sense of the Filipino crossdressers of Navy song and legend since Nelson is a Repug crossdressing as a Dem. He ain't what he claims to be.

Note to Benny Boy: Get up and read the phone book, asshole. When you have to go to the bathroom, it's over. How long can you go? Depends.

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