Thursday, February 11, 2010

Eric Holder and the battle over Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

An excellent and informative article in The New Yorker by Jane Mayer.

[...] An informed source said of the situation, “We were buried in an avalanche of shit.”

Now that Bloomberg, Kelly, and Schumer have withdrawn their support, the Justice Department is in retreat, and Holder is scrambling to find a venue for “the trial of the century.” Kate Martin, the Center for National Security Studies director, warns, “We can’t have a situation where political pressure forces the federal government to forgo criminal prosecution. That would mean the system is fundamentally broken.” Bill Martel, of Tufts, said, “When public fear coalesces, it generates forces that are almost uncontrollable by the political leadership."

To which I would add that the forces which generate public fear for political purposes are uncontrollable as well, at least by democratic and legal methods, and shame on them and the sheep that fall for the spew.

[...] David Cole, a law professor at Georgetown University, said, “They can’t say military commissions are less legitimate, because they’re still using them. But if they tried K.S.M. in a military commission they’d lose any chance of having a conviction seen as legitimate by the rest of the world.”

The article will be of particular interest to those critical of Rahm Emanuel.

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