Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Evan Bayh Punks Out

The Rude Pundit with a suggestion on how not to lose his seat to the Repugs:

Finally, where does this leave Bayh's seat? It's Indiana. Yeah, yeah, Obama won the state in 2008 by 1%. But, c'mon, the black turnout in 2008 was the factor in that intensely blue state. It's gonna go Republican. The Democrats who might run right now make Bayh look like Ted Kennedy.

If Democrats want to have a chance to hold onto the seat, then fuck it. Go Hail Mary. Try to get (go read - G) John Mellencamp to run. The man lives in Seymour, Indiana. He knows the people and the state. He fights for progressive causes. Why not a rock star? We don't have problems with sports stars running for office. And you'd get past that whole "name recognition" thing pretty damn quickly.

Speaking as a Californian, we don't seem to have much of a problem with electing B-movie actors to office either, viz Reagan and Ah-nold. Name recognition works. No problem. Until they get in office, that is. Maybe we should try it with a progressive.

Bayh Update:

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) -- Just hours after rocking the political world with his surprise retirement announcement, Sen. Evan Bayh (D-Ind) said that he would undergo treatment for an "all-consuming addiction" to the popular Facebook game Farmville.


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