Friday, February 26, 2010

A Final Word on the Health Care Summit

Following up on yesterday's post and apparently in between hangovers, The Rude One addresses the burning question of who got over on whom at the health care 'summit'. A good read.

Just an aside from this ol' mountain man: 'Summit' does not necessarily mean the top of a mountain or a pinnacle or a high or lofty place or the place where gods convene and from whence commandments are handed down to us mortals. It's merely the dividing line between drainages, which I think fits yesterday's meeting perfectly.

What Obama did yesterday will either go down as the naive last gasps of hope and change on health care reform or as a stroke of genius, providing cover for Democrats and resuscitating an effort that will progress from the degraded baseline of the current bill. With what seems to be honest-to-Christ momentum towards reconciliation, the Rude Pundit believes the latter. He thinks that Barack Obama calmly, gently, even, fucked the Republicans in the ass yesterday, his well-lubed thrusts just enough to make them comfortable until the very end.

I'm down wit RP. Not only do I believe it, I hope it's so.

No, it's not a good bill. But it's a bill that will help many, many people. That's the bottom line. It will make insurance companies richer. It will please lobbyists and donors. But it will also help millions of people. That's the fucking trade-off. And the subconsciously subversive part of it is that, in a few years, it will show how ridiculous it is to not have nationalized health care (which is one reason the Rude Pundit thinks that some Republicans oppose it).

Ya got that one dead nuts, Rude Man. Health care for the citizens means nothing to the soulless Repugs, but profit for their masters sure as shit does.

That was the final, full-shaft fucking. The President called out the Republicans on their greatest hope, that the failure of health care reform will end the Democratic majority in Congress. Obama told them to bring it. And, most frighteningly for them, he fucked them calmly, like he knows he's right.

Of course, nothing is done until Democrats in Congress actually prove they're not willing to be the bitches of the minority. But, at least for that moment, the President showed who could do the fucking, too.

Plain old fucking to show who's got the power. Love ain't got nothin' to do with it.

"Final word", huh? I don't think so...

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