Friday, February 12, 2010

Hit him ...

Where it hurts. In the wallet:


Glenn Beck’s show in the United Kingdom has not run any commercials during the past three days (Tues-Thurs). Glenn Beck’s show in the UK used to run commercials. The shows that come on before and after Glenn Beck still run commercials. But, for the past three days, Mr. Beck hasn’t had any sponsors in the U.K. During the commercial break, instead of running ads, they cut away to Sky News updates or the weather. Perhaps they’re having trouble finding sponsors willing to subsidize Glenn Beck’s misinformation, vitriol, sexism and race-baiting?


As I've said many times before, most on the American Left would be considered conservatives in Europe. American conservatives are looked at as barking loonies my most folks across the pond.

Great thanks to Mr. Aravosis for the link.

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