Monday, February 22, 2010

My Homey, The Jamaica Ski Team

We reported on Boardercross four years ago, here and here, the breakout event of the Torino Winter Games. This year, Skicross was featured as well. These are sideshow events to the major skiing and boarding events, but mucho fun to watch.

NBC pissed me off. They showed the individual qualification runs, the semi-finals, and the final, but not the first heats, so I only got to see Errol once. He came in ninth.

Update: Mrs. G informs me that they showed the heat races during the repeat waaaay late at night.

My hat's off to this kid. Being of Jamaican descent and having dual citizenships, he managed a productive, er, snow job on the Jamaican ski association and got hisself into the Olympics when he never would have otherwise. Here's his site.

This vid will tell you a lot as he introduces himself in an interview and talks about the NBS which provides scholarships for athletes of color. That's Lake Tahoe in the background. Enjoy.

Thanks to KQSWproductions. They've also got a video of another Olympian Skicrosser, champion skier, and homeboy Daron Rahlves riding motocross. More good stuff too.

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