Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nursing Home Bikers

This is a heartwarming story.

NBC Chicago

Lydia Scheltes woke up in her bed at Bethesda Retirement Center one morning with pinkish hair, a tattoo on her arm and a hangover. Not a typical morning for the 90-year-old.

“Seniors are more fun than you’ll ever know,” she said.

You be careful, honey. Everybody's got a video camera. Heh.

Scheltes wasn’t alone: Seven ladies and one dude – aged 65 to 97 – all had a similar hazy look in their eyes after they hung out with bikers at the Evil Olive bar in Wicker Park on Feb. 11.

About 100 people showed up to the club, including members of the Latino American Motorcycle Association and Chicago’s Chapter of A.B.A.T.E.

ABATE is a state-by-state nationwide motorcyclists' rights outfit. Acronym of A Brotherhood Against Totalitarian Enactments against mainly custom bikes.

“One of our residents, Katie, just turned 97, and she got up with her walker and shook her booty," Kaplan said. "She shook it good."

The one thing the women didn’t get a chance to do was ride on a motorcycle, because it was too cold.

But that’s coming.

Better late than never. Have fun, ladies and gents. You've earned it.

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