Monday, February 22, 2010

Old folks rule, Bunkie Dude!

Pot use among seniors rises

Long a fixture among young people, use of the country's most popular illicit drug is now growing among the AARP set, as the massive generation of baby boomers who came of age in the 1960s and '70s grows older.

Observers expect further increases as 78 million boomers born between 1945 and 1964 age. For many boomers, the drug never held the stigma it did for previous generations, and they tried it decades ago.

Politically, advocates for legalizing marijuana say the number of older users could represent an important shift in their decades-long push to change the laws.

Us Olde Phartes VOTE! We're going to get the chance later this year in California.

I left 'em a comment. 'Gordon' was already taken so I posted as '4Stroke', which I do sometimes. Reference is to motorcycle engines, not sexual endurance. Heh.

I'm 64 and started smoking weed in 1967. Most of my friends used it then and still do, and their kids grew up thinking smoking pot was something 'old people' did. I know people well into their 80s who use it daily.

I've been advocate for the legalization of marijuana for over 40 years and I see the day coming at last. The stuff is lemonade compared to harder drugs like heroin and alcohol, and the removal of the originally racist and later generational sanctions against it has been creeping forward for years. Legalization will turn an entire 'criminal class' into the law-abiding citizens they otherwise have always been, save a lot of money wasted on the failed War On Some Drugs and free up anti-drug resources that could be better used elsewhere, and generate some tax revenue.

Definitely an area where government needs to get out of people's freedom of choice.

Oh, by the way, since I got my iPod, I smoke the devil weed out of my ear trumpet. The smoke gets a good head start, great rush! Old folks rule, you whippersnappers!

So there...


My comment appears to be gone from the site. Harrumph.

Update II:

The comment is back. Twice. Must be gettin' old...

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