Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Schwarzenegger calls GOP approach to health care ‘bogus’

I never would have thought I'd be saying this, but kudos to Ah-nold simply for telling the truth. Which is not Repug policy.

Raw Story

Breaking with the national Republican Party for the second time this week, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) told reporters Monday that GOP attempts to stall health care reform were out of line.

"I think any Republican that says you should start from scratch," with health care, "I think that's bogus talk, and that's partisan talk," the governor told reporters.

'Bogus' oughta be the Repugs' middle name.

On Sunday, Schwarzenegger told ABC's This Week he was proud to accept stimulus dollars for his state and praised the program for creating or saving over 150,000 jobs.

Schwarzenegger also lashed out at GOP politicians who voted against the bill then took credit for benefits provided to their states on Sunday.

"Well, you know, to me I find it interesting that you have a lot of the Republicans running around and pushing back on the stimulus money and saying this doesn't create any new jobs," said Schwarzenegger. "Then, they go out and they do the photo ops and they are posing with the big check and they say, 'Isn't this great?'"

To what do I ascribe Ah-nold's breaking with the Repugs and telling the truth? Since it's a well-known fact that truth has a liberal bias, the only thing I can think of is sleeping with Maria Shriver. I've heard of gettin' yer brains fucked out, but this may be the very unusual case of gettin' some brains fucked in.

And if anybody could un-shrivel Ah-nold's 'roid raisins and restore some sack, she could! Keep up the good work, Maria!

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