Saturday, February 13, 2010

TSA in Philly Must Stand for Truly Stupid Assholes

Dave Lindorff at The Smirking Chimp. Last ¶:

So there you have it. Cut your hair in Philadelphia and to the alert agents of the TSA and the equally alert Philadelphia Police you are a potentially radicalized terrorist. (Geez, and I already went through that garbage back in the '60s, when my long hair used to routinely get me harassed by police. So I guess it's "long hair and beard = Commie" and "short hair and beard = Jihadi"). Carry language flash cards, or perhaps a book with an incendiary title, and you're a potential terrorist. Get the wrong TSA agent, and you may even end up having some terribly incriminating substance planted in your bag. And try to prove misbehavior or worse by the TSA and they'll casually destroy the evidence.

I'm really glad I hardly ever have to fly, and I feel for those of you who do.

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