Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Ah, Spring!

Garrison Keillor in a piece about the return of Spring. My ass, Garrison. See post below this one.

It is spring glorious spring (da do ron ron ron da do ron ron) and our gallant president has rallied his fractious forces against wacko demagoguery, the crocuses are up, and birds are returning from the South, preferring to raise their children here in Minnesota where we pull our pants on one leg at a time and not all at once. Some people in Washington haven't managed to get their pants on in years.

Slowly, slowly, the simple fact dawns on the electorate that the Democrats have passed a moderate Republican healthcare reform. That's what it is. The frenzy on the right is pure fear of stepping out of line with the Republican politburo and getting shipped to Siberia. This lockstep mentality is rare in American history. Here is a grand old party frozen, suspended, mesmerized, in thrall to a gaggle of showboats and radio entertainers and small mobs of fist-shakers standing staunch for unreality, and no Republican elected official dares say, "Let us not be nuts." There will be books written about this in years to come, and they will not be kind to the likes of Rep. Boehner and Sen. McConnell.

No they will not, nor is there any reason to be kind to lying obstructionists who are doing their best (fortunately not very good) to wreck our country so they can retake power. Luckily, or perhaps because the greater percentage of Americans isn't as stupid as they think they are, it isn't working. Bastards.

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