Monday, March 1, 2010

The Enthusiasm Gap

Robert Reich with a recommended read:

The Democratic base is lethargic because congressional Democrats continue to compromise on everything the base cares about. [...]

These waffles and wiggle rooms have drained the Democratic base of all passion. "Why should I care?" are words I hear over and over again from stalwart Democrats who worked their hearts out in the last election.

The Republican base, meanwhile, is on a rampage. It's more and more energized by its mad-as-hell populists. Tea partiers, libertarians, Birchers, birthers, and Dick Armey astro-turfers are channeling the economic anxieties of millions of Americans against "big government."

Anyone with an ounce of sanity understands government is the only effective countervailing force against the forces that got us into this mess: Against Goldman Sachs and the rest of the big banks that plunged the economy into crisis, got our bailout money, and are now back at their old games, dispensing huge bonuses to themselves. Against WellPoint and the rest of the giant health insurers who are at this moment robbing us of the care we need by raising their rates by double digits. Against giant corporations that are showing big profits by continuing to lay off millions of Americans and cutting the wages of millions of more, by shifting jobs abroad and substituting software. Against big oil and big utilities that are raising prices and rates, and continue to ravage the atmosphere.

If there was ever a time to connect the dots and make the case for government as the singular means of protecting the public from these forces it is now. Yet the White House and the congressional Democrats' ongoing refusal to blame big business and Wall Street has created the biggest irony in modern political history. A growing portion of the public, fed by the right, blames our problems on "big government."

What the Big Business Right has successfully managed to do is to convince a very loud minority of mouth-breathers that regulation of Big Biz's thieving ways is exactly the same as government intrusion into their own bedrooms where Big Biz is busy fucking them like crazed weasels.

Please God, let there be, and how I hate this term, a Silent Majority that will not be swayed by ignorance come election time and put the rapists, pillagers, and plunderers back in power.

The Democrats are weak, but they are our only defense. God help us.

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