Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fixer is qualified to be Leader Of The World!

From Rutabaga Ridgepole at TPM:

Anybody who ever reflected on the evidence for as much as a minute knows that Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush all smoked pot. Obama admitted it, Bush never really denied it, and Clinton (ha ha!) "didn't inhale."

So if smoking pot doesn't mess you up too much to be President, then what's the problem with pot?

The problem is shameles and hypocritical politicians sucking up to tight-assed low-IQ no-info hoodoos in Alabama and South Dakota, who fear that their little Barbies and Kens will end up in the gutter if they sample the demon weed, although...

Since 1992, your chance of getting elected President without a whole lotta preliminary tokin' has been zero.

After a little initial turmoil upon Fixer's ascension, the world will be a better place! Can't wait...

In honor of the author of the above's slightly unusual name I offer this:

A Touch Of Grass ~ Rutabaga Boogie

Thanks to papercut14.

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