Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Free markets!

Unless they conflict with conservative talking points I presume:


China has a dirty reputation as the world's factory, but its emerging green energy sector is threatening to leave the United States in its dust.


That's a problem for America, according to Kenneth Lieberthal, a China expert at the Brookings Institution in Washington, D.C.

"We're going to have to end up using those technologies on a very large scale," Lieberthal said. "The question is whether we are producing them - or whether we have to end up buying them from the Chinese or others because we didn't get our act together."


As Oliver Willis says:

If you’re standing in the way of the green economic revolution, you’re standing in the way of American capitalism.

Of course, if you're a short-sighted conservative, your only motivation is opposing something progressives want. If conservatives really cared about capitalism - in reality they'd embrace any system that makes the rich richer - they'd realize that getting in on the ground floor of the 'green energy' market would make them so much more money in the long run. Instead, they continue to act like petulant 5 year olds.

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