Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Headin' out...

Me 'n Mrs. G are headin' for SoCal today. Mrs. G has some company business in Monterey Park tomorrow and then Friday we're going to the Central Coast for another of her High School shindigs. If it wasn't for her, I'd never get to go anywhere!

It's funny, but even though I lived in L.A. for 35 years, the only time I've been to Monterey Park was to go to traffic school at East L.A. College. I used to get to go lotsa places for those. Heh.

I'll just leave ya with a 'must read' Mark Morford:

Dear Texas: Please shut up. Sincerely, History

Never doubt America's irrefutable greatness, kids. Our prison system, for example, is the finest in the world. Also, dirty Mexican people had no role whatsoever in the Civil War or U.S. history (except as troublesome immigrants, yuck), hip-hop music is in no way, shape or form to be considered a significant cultural movement -- unlike totally awesome Country & Western, and the War on Drugs is going spectacularly well, thanks to our fine military, numerous Afterschool Specials and the deep love of Jesus -- who, if you look really closely at those old photographs from the Bible, is clearly wearing a U.S. flag pin on his robes to go along with his friendly, competely legal sidearm. God bless America.

These irrefutable facts -- and many more just like them -- are brought to you by the Texas State Board of Education, packed like a jug of rancid tartar sauce with intellectually numb simpletons who smell like ignorance and taste like fear. The TSBE: We make revisionist brainwashing fun!™

Must go now. It's a long drive down our beautiful 'back road' and we wanta get off the road before the wannabe Irishmen get done with Happy Hour.

See yas later.

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