Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just like the old days ...

Back when we were pulling defectors out of the Soviet Union. Ah, the memories ...

An award-winning Iranian nuclear scientist, who disappeared last year under mysterious circumstances, has defected to the CIA and been resettled in the United States, according to people briefed on the operation by intelligence officials.


Looks like it went smoothly. Good fieldcraft on that op, I suspect. I remember times when it didn't.


Amiri, a nuclear physicist in his early 30s, went missing last June three days after arriving in Saudi Arabia on a pilgrimage, according to the Iranian government. He worked at Tehran's Malek Ashtar University, which is closely connected to Iran's Revolutionary Guard, according to the Associated Press.


Nice to see we're getting good intelligence now, as opposed to a double agent for Iran and a Baghdad cab driver. It would seem professionals are back in charge (or the White House is butting out) of our intelligence community.

Great thanks to Oliver Willis for the link.

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