Friday, March 26, 2010

The Kiss Of Death


PHOENIX — John McCain and Sarah Palin will be back on the campaign trail Friday, their first time campaigning together since McCain lost the presidential election a year and a half ago with Palin as his running mate.

Johnny me boy-o, I have senior moments too, but I would have thought you'd have remembered and learned from that experience. Or at least had people to do that for you. I guess votes from the lunatic fringe are the best you can hope for. Maybe you're just plain not naturally wingnutty enough for AZ anymore and have to work too hard to achieve it and need her help.

Hey, if Trailer Trash Barbie works for McCain, great. I'd rather have the vitriolic flip-flopper and disagreeable grumpy old man stay in the Senate than get that RWNJ Hayworth. They've already got Kyl and one of those is too many.

Best case scenario, though a way outside longshot bet at best, is that Rudy Garcia might slip through the cracks in the Repug party and not only put a Dem in the AZ seat, but restore some respect to the name 'Rudy' which Julieannie has singlehandedly made into an object of scorn and derision. Fat chance, but...

Besides, a Latino senator would make AZ Repugs' heads explode. Heh.


Poll: Majority Favor Earlier Bedtime for McCain

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