Thursday, March 25, 2010

Music, Food, & Sex

Well, that about covers LIFE!

An enjoyable article in the EssEffChron

There are songs about love, songs about loss and songs about love lost. There are plenty of songs about trucks and trains, moonlit nights and dogs, but most of those are still about love, loss and love lost.

Then there are a surprising number of songs - across all genres - about food.

Apparently, food is the balladeer's perfect muse. Food is life.

"It's sacramental, it's worship, it's celebration and it's human need," says Marsh. Which means it's often a metaphor for sex.

The two are inextricable, he says. "It's the sensuality and carnality of food that makes it a fitting topic."

The Texas Tornados surely had something other than dip on their minds when they sang about "making guacamole all night long."

Food and sex "are the quickest paths to the most dopamine," says Colin Brooks, a member of the Band of Heathens. [...]

You mean to tell me that when I slather way too much guacamole on way too many burritos on All-U-Can-Eat Burrito Nite I'm actually subliminally bonin' on down on Mexican food? I thought that was just for hot dog buns with (mild) mustard.

But, while many food songs are about sex, sometimes a doughnut is just a doughnut.

Oh yeah? Hold the sprinkles...

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