Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Off with their heads!

I saw this in BuzzFlash:

The Real Reason Our Ancestors Came Here Was to Get Away From People Like Sarah Palin and Bart Stupak

A reasonably thoughtful anti-conservative rant, but my mind kinda flipped to Au contraire!. My reply, among others:

It's true that our Puritan forebears came here to freely practice their religion, but they were religious regressives even at the time and the CofE (link added for here - G) was glad to be rid of them.

They were exactly like Palin and Stupak: my way or the highway. The last thing in the world they wanted was religious freedom for anybody besides themselves, and they made it so their religion was the only one tolerated. It took the Constitution to fix that.

We need to get all religionists, and especially the hypocritical fundies, out of our political discourse.

All right-wing religious extremists, Christian, Muslim, Jew or whatever, no matter their nationality, are exactly the same - convinced their way is the way and we all better fall in line or else.

They've all sure caused a helluva lot of trouble over the years over something that was made up in the first place to answer the question "why?" in such a way as to scare people into following an agenda. Just like Republicans.

Con the gullible to defeat reality and make the few rich and powerful. 'Twas ever thus.

This country would be better off if the King, titular head of the CofE, had taken them all to the Tower and shortened 'em. I'm sure somebody more reasonable would have founded this nation. Mighta been a province of Canada. Heh.

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