Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Porn ...

Yesterday I applauded The Hurt Locker for bringing the reality of war home to Americans. The hope is that more folks will [not] look at war as something benign that happens 'over there'. If more people knew what went on, maybe they'd be a bit more reluctant to jump on the bandwagon the next time some idiot politician starts beating the war drum. What I didn't realize is that conservatives will never look at it that way. The look at it like porn.

The right has always had their boogeymen, and "Hollywood" has always been an easy catch-all target for them. At last night's Oscar Award ceremony, the movie Hurt Locker won numerous awards, and because the movie showed American soldiers in a positive light, the idiots at Fox News determined that the film and it's director are champions for Republican causes.


As long as they're not the ones ducking bullets, it's all good. I'm unbelievably sick and tired of people talking about going to war so casually as if it's the accepted response to anything that displeases us. Until you can run a war where the innocents escape injury, I'll prefer to see it as a last resort.

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