Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ride For The Ta-Ta's

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Me and Mrs. G are big supporters of anything having to do with breast cancer research and helping women in treatment. Mrs. G's sister is a breast cancer survivor and I just like ta-tas.

I thought the graphic for this upcoming motorcycle run was kinda cute. I saw a poster for it at Mrs. G's oral surgeon's office yesterday while she was having some stitches out. Doctor Rafe's wife Linda is also a breast cancer survivor whose hair is just growing back. Check it out at Ride For The Ta-Ta's. The ride supports Moms on the Run and props to Pinocchio's Bar & Grill for being behind the effort to help local women for ten years.

Just as an aside, the second listing at Google was Reno Harley-Davidson's Twitter page and the third was about Goodrich All Terrain TAs. Kinky. Heh.

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