Wednesday, March 3, 2010

'Swift Boat' Funder Gets $51M Judgment Against Him

Ah, Grasshopper, ice-cold karmic revenge is sooooo sweet.

Guardian, links at site.

Bob and Jane Cull bought a house in suburban Ft. Worth, Texas in 1996 for about $233,000. It promptly started falling apart on them. They sued the builder. An arbitration ruling went for the Culls in the amount of $800,000.

The builder spent $1 million fighting the $800,000. And yesterday, a lower court in Texas awarded the Culls $51 million.

The builder is Bob Perry, the chief financial backer of the 2004 Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and of various other right-wing outfits.

In entirely unrelated news, in the same column is a link to a story that is sure to make Fixer's head explode...

I suggest duct tape and Shoe Goo to repair it, F-Man. Or pre-wrap yer noggin with the duct tape before ya hit the link. Two layers. If ya really wanta be safe, don't cut out the eye holes. Heh.

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