Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A woman on the verge of violence

I guess I'm on about Moosebreath today. Please Jesus, make it stop...

JoAnn Blake at the EssEffZam:

Since losing her bid for vice president, Palin's well-groomed appearance has changed. Now she wears old blue jeans and loopy pony tails. Her voice has become more strident and shrieking as she unloads her smoldering rage. The wholesome, mother-of-five image vanishes when she yells, "The future is not a crapshoot!"

The hell it ain't. If I knew what was going to happen tomorrow, I'd be down at the Race & Sports Book with my life savings. The only way you know tomorrow's rollout is if you use your own loaded dice, and you can be shot or put in jail for that. I hope the teabaggers find out what a load of crap their 'leaders' are making them joyfully eat and ask for more. When they find out how bad they've been punk'd and get the fishhooks outta their lips, they're going to be angry and said 'leaders' will go into hiding. Hey, they gotta blame somebody for their gullibility and it ain't gonna be themselves 'cuz they don't play that shit. They're mostly Repugs and that's the way they roll, after all.

On Saturday The New York Times and The Washington Post ran the same photo on their front pages of Palin, clad in a black leather biker jacket as she stumped for John McCain in Arizona. Her fists were clenched and raised like a boxer, her face twisted into a menacing smirk. It was as if she just jumped, breathless, off her Harley.

I'm reasonably familiar with bike leather and it looked more like a dominatrix outfit to me. She probably got it from the Voyeur's (OMG! Go see!) boutique on the RNC's dime. Heh. Or perhaps it was a gift from a well-heeled Repug donor after a particularly memorable 'table experience' or 'private event' by her with a 'happy ending'. Double heh.

On the other hand, if she 'jumped off her Harley' at about a buck-twenty that'd be OK with me. The road rash'd be through that thin-ass style leather on the first bounce! Can you say 'ass fulla strawberries'? She could continue on the batcrap circuit in between skin grafts. Ah, to dream...

By airing blatant suggestions of anti-government violence, Supreme Wingnut Palin has lost her dignity and lowered herself in the opinion of many women, even die-hard Republicans such as Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who criticized Palin's tactics on "The View" along with the other panelists. I'm no fan of Hasselbeck's, but I'll bet a lot of mature women see it the way she does -- as despicable behavior we don't want our children to embrace.

If even "Check my cranial air pressure, please" Hasselbeck has wised up, this may be soon mercifully over.

One of Palin's favorite lines is "Let's take our country back," but this country is not hers to take. Her ticket didn't win the 2008 elections when Americans joined a real populist revolt after eight years of Republican rule headed by former President George W. Bush. Yet Palin can't accept the Democratic Party's right to govern or the duty of lawmakers to make decisions they judge as being in the best interests of the people. She can continue to raise her voice against the Obama administration, but the madness will drown out the message until no one bothers to listen.

Thank you, Sister. Soon I hope, but she's more likely to rave on until there's no more money in it for her.

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