Thursday, March 11, 2010

Worth a helluva lot more than 2¢

I posted yesterday about fundies and their twisted view of "religious freedom".

We got a comment from our friend Maheanuu that was so good I wanted to share it with you:

I am totally amazed at what is going on back there. When I see the fundies all out spraying like skunks on everything and calling it perfume, I really feel concern on what is happening in the country of my birth. Gordon you and I are from the old school, we believed (or at least I did), that when push came to shove the people would see what the religious fundies were doing and crush it in the bud. I saw it first hand in the Navy back in the mid 70's when I walked into the ECM room and found deck apes, snipes, and others who did not have any clearance at all in a Secret space holding a religious meeting. I busted the whole damn lot, and in turn ended my career in the Navy as "God's Army" was trying to have me busted for being an atheist and a non believer. I was told after I retired, that senior officers at Cinc Pac wanted a piece of me and had I not retired they would have seen to it that I wouldn't have retired as a Chief... This was at the beginning of this crap, and now they hold prayer meetings in the Pentagon among the Generals and the Admirals... Nah, I am really afraid that you are really very close to being a Christo Fascist State... It scares the hell out of me, My blood family are part of that fundie crap and I could care less if they end up in one, they are part of the group that wants to control everyone.. But it is the liberals and the people who practice their religion without throwing it in your face are going be the real losers in the coming decade...

Just my 2¢

THank you, Chief.

I think the fundies' time has come and gone. Folks are wising up that they're just a bunch of holier-than-thou haters that have little or nothing to do with the teachings of Jesus and the Bible, if there are any, and are all about power over others in this life with little thought of the next one. The good Christians are being made to look bad by association, and need to run outta cheeks to turn and smite them hip and thigh until they crawl back under their rocks and STFU. Good luck with that.

Note to the real Christians: Try their own dumbass shit back at 'em - kinda screw up your face and point your quivering finger at 'em and holler "JESUS REBUKE YOU!". If that don't scare the crap out of 'em, maybe waving a couple of the rattlesnakes from around your shoulders in their face will. Go crazy. Out-fundie the daylights out of 'em and show 'em how stupid and hateful they look to the rest of us.

Speaking just as a dumbass ol' Jarhead, what the ol' squid said may come to pass, but as far as I'm concerned those phony Xtians will know they've been in a fight. Practice your sky monster shit if you wish to with my blessings, but keep it the fuck outta my face. And for damn sure, keep get it the fuck outta our government.

Freedom of religion by extension is also freedom from religion and those bastards better not forget that a lot of us do not confuse mindless religiosity with real spirituality and do not buy into their phony crap and will work for separation of church from state past the grave if we have to.

And if I have to return from beyond the grave and read those fuckers the riot act, aka 'a moment of prayer', they will have a religious experience like they never thought possible! I'm almost looking forward to it. Heh.

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