Thursday, April 22, 2010

Chickens for prostate exams?

Sue Lowden's plan to solve the problem of skyrocketing health care costs? Go back to the barter system!

So Doc, I have one box of cereal and one '95 Ford Taurus with 150,000 miles (though trust me it runs great), how much of my broken leg can I get fixed?

For non-chicken related Nevada news visit

Thanks to ProgressNowNevada.

And this looneytoon is ahead of Reid in the polls? Yeesh.

I'm no stranger to the barter system. I've traded motorcycle work for stuff I needed, like firewood and getting my house painted, for decades, and I can tell you this:

If I took a chicken to pay my doctor she would give me a rectal exam with it. I'd be fartin' feathers for a week.

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