Friday, April 9, 2010

The Double Down Death Bomb

Mark Morford is on today about the most disgusting fast food yet.

Behold, the KFC Double Down sandwich. It is, if you really want to know, two slabs of fried chicken intersliced with two pieces of bacon, two slabs of cheese, and the Colonel's "special sauce." It comes in the form of a sandwich, with the fried chicken where the bread used to be. It's sort of hilarious. It's sort of perfect. And then it'll probably make you vomit.

I like fried chicken, bacon, and cheese, but not like that. Yuck.

Of course, it's sort of a foregone conclusion, a rigged game. This vile meatwich is crammed like a grenade with sodium, sugar, fat and chemicals. Ergo, the testers, presumably people with taste buds devastated by years of cramming similar compost into their guts, thought it was pure nirvana. And then their colons exploded.

I love a good fast food burger once in a while, but I haven't eaten any KFC for years, ever since I found out they use Tyson chicken. Tyson is a big Repug donor and treats his employees poorly. I don't even wanta think about what he does to the chickens.

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