Saturday, April 24, 2010


This one's for you, Arizona. I hope you see the irony of more big government interference in your delusional pathetic little right wing parallel universe now that your appointed governor signed the racist bill SB (betcha it doesn't stand for ¡Sí Bueno!) 1070. I guess that kind of big government is OK with you as long as it's only brown people that get fucked with. Assholes.

Seeing as how it's a requirement and not an option, I hope every Diné and Yavapai and Fugawe blanketass local cop in AZ gets into the spirit of this law and stops every goddam white person they see and asks them for zere papers because they all look like illegal immigrants. Payback's a motherfucker.

A music video featuring Tom Russell singing his song, "Who's Gonna Build Your Wall" and the photography of David Burckhalter.

Thanks to johntaine.

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