Thursday, April 22, 2010

FDL 'Name That Pot Campaign'

Following up on yesterday's post:

Jane Hamsher, be still my heart!

Last night we had the first night of our contest to name FDL’s marijuana campaign. We were going to have the semifinal voting tonight, but I changed my mind.

I’m having too much fun being back at Late Nite again, and Mike Whitney decided he wanted to expand the contest to everyone on our email list, so we’re continuing the contest for a second inspired night.

...we have a SPECIAL PRIZE FOR EVERYONE just for playing…co-author of Marijuana is Safer, Steve Fox of the Marijuana Policy Project, emailed me say that they’re offering a FREE DOWNLOAD of the book to everyone until midnight tonight in honor of the contest!

Since we’re going to be doing a lot more around pot in the coming months, take advantage of this great opportunity, say thanks to Steve for this incredibly generous offer, and download away.

Much, much more and a list of the entries so far. Enjoy. Smoke 'em if ya got 'em.

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