Monday, April 26, 2010

It's already begun ...

Well, my head didn't explode yesterday, thankfully. The weather's been shit since we left Pier 90 on NYC's West Side. We're now about 500 miles SE of Cape Hatteras, due to make St. George by 0800 tomorrow morning.

We've been battered by 40 - 60 mph winds across the deck and 20 foot seas since we entered the Atlantic. Highly entertaining (though 24 hours in I've already seen about a dozen poor old folks with broken noses), people wobbling down the corridors from one side to the other without imbibing in a single drop of alcohol. I have no such excuse. Personally, we love it because we sleep so well when the ship is rocking and rolling.

As for the title of this post, a little explanation. Seems this cruise attracted a buncha retirees, mostly American; a serious Fox 'News' demographic. It took until we were seated at dinner but as soon as we got to the table (the other couple was already there), the husband comes off with some sarcastic bullshit about global warming and Al Gore; trying to break the ice I'd guess.

I looked up from my appetizer and pointed my fork at him and said "don't go there, I'm on vacation."

His wife opened up and said "but you agree with my husband, right?"

And I said "listen, I'm a half-breed, socialist, atheist (you shoulda seen her face) and I don't wanna hear that crap."

Needless to say, the rest of dinner was uncomfortable - for them - and as soon as it was over, they got up and went straight to the dining room officer to get their seating changed. The Mrs. and I got a good laugh out of that. (I did check with the Purser to make sure this wasn't one of the NRO Cruises; if it were, I'd jump ship in Bermuda) Let's see what happens tonight. Heh ...

From what the weatherman says, this weather is the remnants of the storms that hit the southern U.S. a couple days ago and it should blow out tonight. Hopefully we'll have a little sun once we get to Bermuda. See yas tomorrow ...

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