Monday, April 19, 2010

Just sayin' ...

This shit better be over by the time I leave for Amsterdam in August or there'll be hell to pay:


It would be the volcano's first major eruption since 1821, since when it has lain dormant and anonymous to most of the world. Yesterday it made headlines when it transformed swaths of western Europe and Scandinavia into an unprecedented no-fly zone.


Heh ...

I remember when I was young, I flew Icelandair to Germany (well, to Luxembourg where I had to take a bus to Kaiserslautern where my uncle would pick me up) a couple summers and there was a stopover at Reykjavik. This was back when Surtsey was doing her thing and we flew pretty close by on our way in and out. It was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen. They didn't seem to give much of a shit about its effect on air travel back then.

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