Friday, April 30, 2010

¡Viva Mexico!, or Screw You, Arizona

This is from 57silverhawk who lives out east of Fresno and takes a lot of videos of different kinds of mostly homegrown music that I like and puts them up on YouTube.

If there are religious experiences in my life, they come when I am face down in a plate of Mexican food, which we do about once a week as a more thankful act than going to church. I thank my lucky stars I'm a Native Californian and grew up with Mexican food and culture, too.

My husband's niece Sandy Fernandes singing "Viva Mexico" with Mariachi Colonial.

The white-haired lady with the balloons behind her was celebrating her 95th birthday!

Recorded June 7, 2009 at Los Portales restaurant in Visalia, California.

Sandy's got a heckuva set of pipes on her, and I think "Mariachi Colonial" roughly translates as "the 4th item on the combination plate". Enjoy.

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