Thursday, April 29, 2010

Obama's tyranny is a sore loser's opinion


Ken Blackwell, Author Of 'Blueprint,' Tries To Convince Jon Stewart That Obama Is A Tyrant, Fails (VIDEO)

Blackwell, you will no doubt remember, was the, you should pardon the expression, HNIC of making sure the Ohio ballot count came out in Bush's favor in Ohio in '04.

Ken Blackwell, author of the new book, "Blueprint: Obama's Plan to Subvert the Constitution and Build an Imperial Presidency," was on "The Daily Show" last night where Jon Stewart tore to shreds his argument that the Obama administration is tyrannical and unconstitutional.

Stewart pointed out that the level of rhetoric in the book does not match what is actually happening in government, adding that the "tyranny" that Blackwell discusses is actually the constitutional use of executive power to do things that Blackwell and other conservatives don't like.


If the debate is "I don't like your programs," or "I don't like the philosophy of the judges you have the right to appoint," that's a very different conversation than "You are becoming a tyrant and subverting the constitution," because that's a very emotional, loaded statement that's not seemingly backed up by a tremendous amount of, I guess you'd call them facts.

Anything Blackwell says is pretty fact-free.

Go watch Stewart hand this guy his ass in a three-part video.

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