Friday, April 2, 2010

Palin Advises Tea Partiers: 'Stop' Cars With Obama Bumper Stickers

TPM LiveWire

Less than a week after a Nashville man was driven off the road because his car sported an Obama-Biden bumper sticker, Sarah Palin has called on Tea Partiers to stop drivers whose cars have a similar sticker.

Or that bumper sticker you see on the next Subaru driving by, an Obama bumper sticker. You should stop the driver and say, "So how is that hopey, changey thing working out for you?"

This shit's gettin' out of hand. Between this and Scumbag Hannity's "McVeigh wannabes' remark, and some of the other bullshit, somebody's gonna get killed and sooner rather than later.

The rabble-rousers and shit-stirrers will evade responsibility by saying they were just trying to use humor to make a point, but they know damn good and well that there are plenty of loonies out on the fringe they cater to that will take this stuff literally, from people who will say, "I ain't no McVeigh wannabe. I'll prove it..." and blow somebody up, to fools who will actually try to pull over other drivers and fuck with them.

Please, please, please pull over that '92 Dakota with the Obama sticker. You'll be surprised how easy it is, unlike those Subarus who will call the cops and haul ass out of danger. Ask me how the hopey-changey stuff is goin'. Then ask yourself how the 911 call for the ambulance is goin'. You betcha.

If these idiots fuck with you, fuck back even harder. You can't change their minds, but you can change their faces. It's all in self-defense from a perceived threat. Of course it is.

The hell of it is that when confronted by danger or a threat of harm, in California at least, under the law you are expected to retreat rather than combat the threat. Sorry, judge, but my Drill Instructor didn't teach me how to do that.

I want to put some fear into these assholes, up close and personal, not at a distance like they're trying to do to us. I don't want to go to jail so I have to wait until one of them starts it, dammit. I think I'm developing an attitude. OK, the attitude I've had for years is getting worse. I don't like that in myself, but I can live with it.

A personal story. Yesterday at the Costco gas station, I started a conversation with a guy who was driving an early Falcon Ranchero. I told him how much I had wanted one of those 50 years ago when I was a kid. He had an SCTA license plate frame, so we chatted about Land Speed Racing a little. All very pleasant, until he said that under Obama we'd be racing rubber band powered cars because he was going to take our gasoline away. I didn't think fast enough to just tell him we'd have to learn to wind 'em up real tight so after a little more and rapidly devolving chitchat I just told him we'd had eight years under 'that bastard Bush' and it was our turn. He said that at least Bush was an American. Out of respect for the rule of law, or more properly respect for what the law can do to me, I just told him he was all wrong and walked away. We actually exchanged 'nice talkin' to yas' though I don't think either one of us meant it after the gearhead chat went away. There were no harsh words exchanged and that wasn't the place for a confrontation anyway. I fumed about it for ten minutes.

There oughta be a law that requires these yingyangs to wear floppy hats with teabags dangling off the brim so we can spot them easier and avoid them.

I still want a '60 Falcon Ranchero.

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