Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Porn star likes GOP 'values', switches parties

Raw Story

Former porn star and lifelong Democrat Stormy Daniels (may not be work safe depending on where you work - G) has found a new home in the GOP after its notorious expenditures at a bondage-themed strip club in Los Angeles.

Wholeheartedly embracing what has been a damaging scandal for the party, Daniels added, "While this decision has not been an easy one, recent events regarding Republican National Committee fundraising at Voyeur, an LA based lesbian bondage themed nightclub finally tipped the scales."

"As someone who has worked extensively in both the club and film side of the Adult Entertainment Industry, I know from experience that a mere $1,900 outlay at a club with the reputation of Voyeur is a clear indication of a frugal investment with a keen eye toward maximum return," she remarked.

Daniels added:

"And I firmly believe that it is precisely this type of creative and calculated investing that we, as taxpaying Americans, should expect not only from our political parties but from our government. The American taxpayer deserves consistent conservatives who reject wasteful spending and unwarranted government intervention in the private sector.

"As is the case with so many of my fellow Louisianans, I have been a registered Democrat throughout my life. But now I cannot help but recognize that over time my libertarian values regarding both money and sex and the legal use of one for the other is now best espoused by the Republican Party."

I can dig it! Besides, whatever she has to do to get ahead in the Repug party won't hurt or gag her like it did with Democrats, and won't take near as long.

That said, I agree with her that prostitution should be legalized and can't wait to hear Steele or Boner say so. Heh.

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