Sunday, April 18, 2010

Pot enthusiasts gather at California cannabis expo

Following up on yesterday's post:

AP via Yahoo!News

DALY CITY, Calif. – Medical marijuana users near San Francisco lit up Saturday at the opening of the two-day International Cannabis and Hemp Expo, where vendors displayed bongs, vaporizers, hash brownies and other marijuana-related products.

Organizers of the event at the Cow Palace said they insisted on having an onsite medicating area before holding the expo. Under a white-canopied courtyard, young adults in baggy jeans and baseball caps smoked alongside aging hippies.

I'll be glad when mota is legal and we can dispense with those stereotypes, but I'm glad to see the Expo was well attended.

The expo, and others like it, will help develop the multibillion dollar pot industry, said Bucky Fisher, national sales manager for Medical Marijuana Inc., which sells hemp-related products and provides services to ensure marijuana dispensaries follow the law.

"It makes the industry more of a community, more visible, more powerful," he said. "This country is definitely in need of a homegrown industry, and this could be it."

Nice play on 'homegrown', dude! Heh.

Rumor has it that all Oreos, Twinkies, and other Zuzus and Whamwhams on the West Coast have been diverted to Daly City to cover shortages for the balance of the weekend until the Expo is over.

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