Wednesday, April 21, 2010

We don't give a shit what assholes from Texass think


Poll: Majority oppose marijuana legalization, new nationwide poll finds -- but where do Californians stand?

In line for the taco truck? Por favor amigo, make mine with everything, duuuude!

But seriously folks...

One commenter got it right:

sunnysmoothe wrote: Let me get this right... a NATION wide poll of 1,001 adults opposes legalization of marijuana.

So basically they could have polled anyone from Wisconsin to Florida? What does the polling of Americans from other states have to do with the base of this article which is the legalization of Marijuana in CALIFORNIA?

I am in the L.A. Now Southern California This Just In section correct? Why not write an article with a poll from 1,001 Californians? Wouldn't that make more sense? Sometimes after reading the LA Times, I really do get dumber.

Go see the other comments. The LAT has their own poll. Take it to see the results. Skew the results from as far away as you like (Smiley face).


Jane Hamsher of Firedoglake is sponsoring a contest:

We're holding a contest to find the best campaign name for our marijuana legalization efforts. Use the form below to submit your ideas (please limit submissions to five words or less).

Much more. Go see. Hurry, contest ends at 8PM Back East Time tonight.

My submission is "Legalize California's Biggest Cash Crop", to include a suitable marijuana plant graphic on the bumpersticker.

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