Monday, May 24, 2010

As long as it's still America ...

They can build wherever they want:

The Imam planning an Islamic community center and mosque near Ground Zero says his critics are bigots and the project will stamp out terrorism - not fan the flames.


The meeting came one day after Tea Party Express chairman Mark Williams called the project a monument to 9/11 attackers "for the worship of the terrorists' monkey-god."


Until they ban Islam in the United States (won't surprise me to see that coming down the pike someday), people have the freedom to worship whatever god they want and they're allowed to worship on their own property. Ain't nobody gonna bitch if they build a church or a synagogue there, are they? Most of the people who will worship there are American citizens (though that might be a tentative status in the future as well) and good, decent people. It's time to STFU and stop treating Muslims like second-class citizens at best, enemies of the state at worst.

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