Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bullshit on rye ...

Cdr. Huber looks at the finger-pointing in the Pentagon over why we're still "fightin' the terrists".


The "Blame Cell," in its various ad hoc and formal manifestations, has been successfully warding off culpability for the Defense Department's failures since the Korean War. Our services' graduate-level war college programs wax operatic about the brilliance of Supreme Commander Douglas MacArthur's amphibious invasion of the Inchon Peninsula that cut off the North Koreans' lines of communication and forced them to retreat back above the 38th parallel.


The bull feather merchants are maintaining the same traditions in their campaign to shirk accountability for the dismal state of our conflicts in Iraq and the Bananastans. Like MacArthur before him, "King David" Petraeus is lionized as a military genius and considered a potential GOP candidate for president, this despite the fact that his generalship has transformed the western half of Asia into a perpetual exploding cigar. The myth that the Iraq surge accomplished anything persists like the villain in a horror flick franchise, and even after two troop escalations, Pavlov's dogs of war continue to claim our hunting trip in Afghanistan can only be won if it's properly resourced.


The only thing I can say about our "wars" is that they're keeping Americans in the defense industry employed.

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