Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bullshit walks ...

I like President Obama, I really do, but sometimes I think he needs an aide to light a fire under his ass. When this bitch blew up, he should have grabbed that Aussie fuck from BP by the balls and started squeezing immediately. By now, the guy's head should have exploded.

That said, via Skippy, a list of things that could be done by the White House regarding this horror.


9) Call that lazy-assed sad-sack Joe Lieberman and tell him whatever super-secret-y deal you guys have going in the way of a quid pro quo is off if Lieberman cannot find some reason to investigate the relationships between Department of Interior and any corporation with which it deals. Make the call private, and tell him if he doesn’t have hearings within 15 days you are going to publicly call him on the carpet for the benefit of CT voters every chance you get until 2012.

10) You know damned well if they cut corners in the Gulf of Mexico, they did it elsewhere. Threaten to go for the jugular on them if they don’t continue to play ball with clean-up in the Gulf.Take a bunch of bloggers up to BP’s operations in Alaska and let them roam around for a couple weeks. Make BP pay for it — figure it out, you have the EO in one hand and the power to print money in the other. Keep the pressure on BP until they beg for mercy.


It's time for some serious action, a time to send a signal (the opportunity lost a year ago with the banking industry) to corporations that play time is over. It's time to back up the strong words with deeds.

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