Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush

This isn't backed up by anything else I've seen, but I have absolutely no problem believing it. I'm callin' this one a 'must read'.


Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse.

Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God.

It’s awkward to say openly, but now-departed President Bush is a religious crackpot, an ex-drunk of small intellect who “got saved.” He never should have been entrusted with the power to start wars.

Gee, ya think?

For six years, Americans really haven’t known why he launched the unnecessary Iraq attack. Official pretexts turned out to be baseless. Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction after all, and wasn’t in league with terrorists, as the White House alleged. Collapse of his asserted reasons led to speculation about hidden motives: Was the invasion loosed to gain control of Iraq’s oil—or to protect Israel—or to complete Bush’s father’s vendetta against the late dictator Saddam Hussein? Nobody ever found an answer.

The answer is: All of the above plus.

Now, added to the other suspicions, comes the goofy possibility that abstruse, supernatural, idiotic, laughable Bible prophecies were a factor. This casts an ominous pall over the needless war that has killed more than four thousand young Americans and cost U.S. taxpayers perhaps $1 trillion.

I think the 'ominous pall' was cast a long time ago. This just adds religious insanity to it.

As more and more comes out against the fundie corporate nutjob criminal Bush maladministration, it becomes ever clearer that we are lucky as a nation to have survived it, if just barely.

Note to God: Everybody who says "God don't make no junk" is deluded. You made plenty of it and it fucked the joint right up for eight awful years and counting. Knock off the cheap shit, Asshole.

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