Monday, May 24, 2010

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

Good quick read by Will Durst:

[...] Democrats have a secret weapon this November and his name is Michael Steele.

Steele is not just the center post in the GOP big tent movement, he’s the post, the flaps, the stakes, the ties and the canvas; and party leaders would rather stick a fist full of paper cuts in a vat of Tabasco Sauce than write off their first African- American chairman during an election year. These days, the GOP Black Caucus could hold its convention in a phone booth, and they don’t make phone booths anymore, and the analogy still holds.

Most of the places he visits, he’s not simply the only black guy in the room, he’s the only black guy admitted to the grounds without a police escort. [...]

[...] On CNN last February, he dismissed Rush Limbaugh as “an entertainer" and "incendiary." The outrage from Rush’s fans, the vocal, visible, thick and dense end of the Republican base, forced Steele to backtrack faster than freshly waxed skis on newly fallen powder.

First he was directed to beg the poster boy for OxyContin Today’s forgiveness. To say Rush was less than gracious is like implying frozen goose fat makes for substandard bicycle spokes. Steele genuflected on Rush’s show and kissed his ring while Rush didn’t bother taking it out of his back pocket.

Between Steele and his "Just Say No To Obama" Repug establishment faction and the batcrap crazy racist and hater "Just Say No To Establishment Repugs" and "Turn Back The Clock To When The Colored Knew Their Place" factions, they're splitting things up 'til they're putting themselves right where we want 'em. Loud and out of power beats the shit outta robbing us blind like they've done for thirty years. Not that it's stopped, but under Dems at least we can hope it will slow down a little. There's NO hope with Repugs.

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